Firmware Update


Important Note: Make sure all your important files are backed up before updating the OS/ Driver/ BIOS and follow the instructions below: 

                           (To download the file, it's required to have a Google Drive account)

You can find the OS for every model (G/M/K/KB series mini pcs, notebook-also named GNi12U) in this link: (Newest G5, K9 has been added)

You can find the driver for every model (G/M/K/KB series mini pcs, notebook-also named GNi12U) in this link: (Newest G5, K9 has been added)

You can find the BIOS for the model ( K2, K4, K8, K6, K7, G2, KB9, KB10, M5, M2) in this link:

Ubuntu-22.04 version: (G2&G3, K1/K2/K5/M5, K4/K6/K8, KB2 Plus applied)

Need a video tutorial? Pls check out our YouTube channel:

Updated 2024.4.17