Contact Us

****Please use the contact information wisely so that your issues can be addressed sooner. Thank you for your understanding.

No questions are too big or too small, we are here to support you.

Visit our FAQs page to see answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Didn't find the answer you need? Contact us! We will reply within 24-48 business hours.

Email address Platform Remarks To service you better and faster, we need the following:
1. The serial number ( SN ) of the device, which is on the bottom of the device. (MUST)
2. The shop name and order ID for the device. (MUST)
3. A description of the detail of the issue, some pictures and video provided will be appreciated.  Amazon/Walmart Customer Service Inquiries To service you better and faster, we need the following:
1. The serial number ( SN ) of the device, which is on the bottom of the device. (MUST)
2. The shop name and order ID for the device. (MUST)
3. A description of the detail of the issue, some pictures and video provided will be appreciated. Amazon/Walmart Channel Sales Manager(Sales Inquiry Only) AliExpress To service you better and faster, we need the following:
1. The serial number ( SN ) of the device, which is on the bottom of the device. (MUST)
2. The shop name and order ID for the device. (MUST)
3. A description of the detail of the issue, some pictures and video provided will be appreciated. Media/marketing/press release contact

  • Be an agent/ODM/OEM service, pls visit that specific page for contact information.
  • If purchase through our agents/agents' online stores on multiple marketplaces, pls contact the direct seller to handle the after-sales issue directly, so that you will be taken care of timely, correctly.
  • To service you better and faster, we need the following:
    1. The serial number ( SN ) of the device, which is on the bottom of the device. (MUST)
    2. The shop name and order ID for the device. (MUST)
    3. A description of the detail of the issue, some pictures and video provided will be appreciated.

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Business Hours:
Monday–Friday: 9:00am – 6:00pm GMT+8
Every other Saturday: 9:00am – 6:00pm GMT+8

*All hours listed are GMT+8.